

Sunday 29 March 2020


"The Mountain's Reflection" by Gada Rose 2019

This is a Scandinavian form of herd singing. Many of the singers of kulning use this to care for the flocks of animals, such as cows, sheep, goats and birds. Even wild animals such as swans have been drawn to a singer of this beautiful kulning sound.
Many of these kulning singers tend to be women and girls, as they were often outside tending to animals pre-industrial era (and even today). It's used in places such as Norway and Sweden.
The acoustics is often very high with blue tones, that communicate a sense of wonder. These vocals travel across far distances. These gorgeous echoing songs are always outside in the open. Some have sung in kulning indoors.
Kulning is found in the Disney movie "Frozen II" sung by Aurora Aksnes.
Many videos about kulning and its hypnotic effects can be found on YouTube with channels by Jonna Jinton and Åsa Larsson. It's really worth listening to.

Storm Valkyrie

Monday 23 March 2020

What the Egtved girl teaches us

This bright young teenage girl was filled with wonder. She had groomed hair, manicured nails, and she wore a nice short tunic. She sounds very modern but no in fact she wasn't from today. She lived during the Bronze Age. This girl was found in 1921 covered in ox hide. Around her waist was a cord belt with a bronze sun disk showing a spiral pattern. She had been in an oak wood coffin, buried in the bogs near Egtved village in Denmark. There were other pieces of jewellery found on her, and around were other small items including a bronze awl, a horn comb, bucket of beer, hairnet and a small box made of bark. The beer was made with honey, cow berries, wheat and bog myrtle. Curiously, the tiny box contained human bones. Also beside the Egtved girl was human ash wrapped in fabrics. The ash and bones were tested. It all belonged to the same individual, who was a small child. Is this a relative of the Egtved girl? As of yet, the identity of this child is unknown. Going by all of this, many believe that the Egtved girl was a significant character and that she died of an illness. It's been discovered that this girl took many trips to Denmark and Germany often. Was she a negotiator of families? A bride? A priestess? It's believed she died during Summer because of the burial, with yarrow flowers. More research will find new and interesting discoveries about the way this girl lived and exactly what she ate, where she came from and what role she played in Bronze Age society.

Storm Valkyrie 

Monday 16 March 2020

Our secret friends

Who are those secret friends? Dogs? This is too obvious.The popular saying "dogs are a man's best friend" comes from the 18th Century. It doesn't mean that humans are not friends with other animals, because some people prefer cats. People have formed bonds with different animals including the wild species.
So who are these secret friends of humans? The answer is birds. I want to explore one such particular friend of ours that is overlooked but since ancient times, humans have looked at birds in a way that shows this. Humans saw birds as having a divine and spiritual connection with the gods. People wanted to emulate birds and so aircraft was invented. Some types of birds have learned to talk like us!
Far back in prehistoric times, humans came to befriend birds to assist with hunting. Vultures helped primitive people to find food, such as meat. Humans also befriended the aquatic bird species cormorants who helped with fishing. There are even birds that helped humans find honey. Besides this, humans have grown to love birds and used them for clothing, eggs, food, the arts and  spirituality. All of the gods and goddesses have their own sacred bird. Not forgetting the love between pet birds and their owners, which is a very strong connection. I'm so sure that some of the wild birds have understood. They can remember things.
Have a look at some interesting pages on birds in mythology:
Unusual birds in mythology
Eight birds in myth and folklore
Birds have been teaching us a lot. In stories and legends, myths and folklore, many different birds have given a story. Here are some birds with their own messages and legends:

Storm Valkyrie

Tuesday 10 March 2020

Spring flowers

The season of Spring is here and so have the flowers returned. There are so many kinds of colourful wild flowers that are tough in the morning frost. Besides the fact these flowers are so pretty and cheerful to see, they're also pleasant ingredients for making perfect teas. Homemade flower tea can be  very healthy and strong. Add filtered boiled water to the flowers, and brew for half a day.

Sites of interest:

Eartheasy foraging for wild teas   


The Kitchen Witch by Soraya
Medieval Flowers by Miranda Innes
The Real Witches Kitchen by Kate West
100 Edible and Healing Flowers by Margaret Roberts
Healing Herbal Infusions by Colleen Codekas
Collins Complete Guide to British Wild Flowers
Wild Flowers by Colour by Marjorie Blamey

Healing properties in flowers are called English marigold is a big ruffled orange flower with pale green leaves. Rubbing this flower over an insect bite can ease the sting. Lady's Mantle is a bunch of small yellow puffy flowers with large green leaves in star shapes. This helps to sooth cuts and mascle cramp. Elder is a cloud shaped bunch of tiny white flowers growing in thick green shrubs. They can help to fight off colds and pain. Another pain killer is the Evening Primrose which is a bright yellow flower often with four petals and growing together on a stem. Daisies are the most cheerful looking weed flower that eases lots of ailments and wounds.

Storm Valkyrie

Tuesday 3 March 2020

Healing time

Spring is here and its time to sweep out the Winter's cold dark phase. It happens every year but Winter gets harder. Its not been a pleasant Winter so we have to gather all our strength. There is a way of strengthening immunity, and protecting body and spirit. I suggest washing hands, eating carefully, taking medicine and feeling positive. 

The Norse goddess of healing and medicine is Eir. She's also a Valkyrie and she sits on the sacred hill, and is one of nine maidens who assist the Lady of the Keep. This Lady lives in a castle built from the bones of a giant. The walls are of fire and clay, and the entire keep is guarded by two great dogs. One dog guards during the day, and the other dog guards at night. The only thing that can kill the dogs is a magical sword named Wounding Wand. The only way of getting this sword is to visit Sinmara and offer her a feather from a golden cockerel. This bird lives in a massive tall tree called Mimi's Tree that is indestructible. The fruit of this tree has many healing properties that help ease the pain and difficulties of childbirth.

There is a new virus spreading around the world. At midnight 00:00 BST (19:00 EST) tonight, healing energy will be made and sent. I hope others can join in or just make healing in their own time. All you need to do is meditate, focus and use your mind to send out good vibes.

Storm Valkyrie