

Thursday 21 March 2024


It's the time of the Spring equinox (19th-22nd March), named Ostara. It is the month when winter gives way to the new season and more flowers return, and many animals come out of their hibernation periods. The Spring equinox is also named the Vernal Equinox, which occurs in the Northern Hemisphere. 

I always observed that the beginning of the month of March is cold and dark, but late in March it's light and warm. Some celebrate in many different ways depending on their religion and customs.

Here is a page from Learn Religions website about egg magic and folklore.

The time of Easter is near. The Germanic goddess Eostre is a pre-Christian Pagan deity who was celebrated in ancient times. 

Many flowery blessings all!

Storm Valkyrie

Saturday 16 March 2024

Wake sleepyhead


There is something of Lord of the Rings vibe in the air. 

Brynhild is a favourite Valkyrie of the All Father god Odin. One day she offended him and as punishment, she was put under a spell. She entered a deep long sleep surrounded by a ring of magic flames. This is very similar to the fairy story of the Sleeping Princess. 

A lion that sleeps is a motif for the stars of Leo and also represents a punishment. As lions are symbols of power and strength, to have them sleeping is not positive, but a sign that the lion is dormant and vulnerable.

The prince and dragon slayer hero is the one destined to wake Brynhild/Sleeping Princess. So who really is He? A warrior archetype of the hero. He undoes the curse and frees Her from eternal sleep. 

 Aol wvza pz uva hivba huap-dhy, iba hivba bukvpun aol jluabyplz vm johpuz

Storm Valkyrie

Tuesday 12 March 2024

Dragon bones

Dragons tend to represent sheer power and ultimate strength, but they're seen as duel forces and connected to the earth's magnetic field. In the Western world, dragons have always been regarded as fearsome and dangerous, even destructive with their fiery breaths and monstrous forms, looking like giant serpentine reptiles most of them winged, or like fantastically huge creatures on both land and sea. They terrorise villages, consume livestock and are also a menace. Stories of knights and other brave heroes have gone out to slay these dragons, many died trying to succeed while a few are victorious. However, in the Eastern world, dragons are entirely different and they're respected, even idolised because they're respected for their strength, abilities and beauty. They're protectors and guardians, as well as divine beings among the elements such as Tianlong the celestial dragon. Dragons of the East are believed to pull chariots of the gods across the sky. 

So there is the medicine of dragons, called Os Draconis, or "Long gu". It's believed that the bones of dragons or Long gu will bring healing and calm, balance and cleansing. Dragon bones or Long gu is full of rich calcium carbonate and calcium phosphate. Calcium carbonate is a mineral, of which humans need if they're immune system is low. It helps to relieve heartburn, stomach upsets and acid indigestion. Calcium phosphate or tricalcium phosphate is mineral formula that boosts healthy growth in humans. Dragon bones are also able to calm dizziness, control fevers, sweating, high blood pressure, easing the heart and mind. 

While traditional Chinese medicines use dragon bones, it's also said that it shouldn't be mixed with fish, for it will counteract with gypsum or Shi goa. Dragon bones are grounded and crushed, that can be eaten with herbs. Some dragon bones are found sold on the market in different types. Those include Local (tu), Powder (fen), White (bai), Flower or variegated (hua). So what exactly are dragons bones? The answer is fossils of dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals.

Storm Valkyrie    

Tuesday 5 March 2024

Daffodil, March flower

The flower of March is the daffodil. It's the first sign of Spring, and the vibrant daffodil is also connected to the birth flower of March. Daffodils are big, bright and most of them are golden sunshine yellow coloured. Some might be white or with orange hems, even pink and other fusions. Also the daffodil is called a narcissus jonquil, and a daffadowndilly. It's said that yellow daffodils represent the sun, and white daffodils represent youth and innocence. Orange daffodils tend to be represented with much friendships and positivity. Pink daffodils represent cheer, happiness and gentleness. Daffodils have been used in perfumes and chemistry.

Be wary of eating them, and they can be deadly. Daffodil bulbs have caused deaths after being consumed as these are mistaken as onions. People have fallen very sick and have needed treatment and hospital stays. Back in 2009 at Gorseland Primary School in Martlesham Heath, Suffolk, 12 children became sick from daffodil poisoning when they had a cookery lesson that was supposed to use onions.

Daffodils are called "Rose of Sharon" in the King James Bible. It's in Greek mythology that a handsome young man named Narcissus was transformed into a flower. Daffodils are sacred the Hades, the god of the Underworld, and his wife goddess Persephone. 

More references to daffodils:

Wikipedia Narcissus (daffodil) plant https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narcissus_(plant) 

Things in the barn daffodil page https://www.thingsinthebarn.com/inthegarden/daffodil

Storm Valkyrie