

Saturday 27 April 2024

Walpurgis night

 With the approach of May there is a celebration across Europe that is often associated with the first day of May, around about then. It's got huge popularity in countries like Germany, where they celebrate this time. It's called Walpurgis Night, named for the festival of Saint Walpurga. This stems from a holy woman from England who was born during the Dark Ages in the year 710, who grew up in the Kingdom of Wessex. Her name varies from Walpurga, Wealdburg, Valborg and Valpurga. A daughter of the famous Richard the Pilgrim, she set out to heal and cure people suffering diseases like whooping cough. She helped to fight against the menace of rabies and other pests, while also travelling to the continent and visited Germany, using her knowledge to protect the villagers against witchcraft. Her reputation grew, and she was loved by many people who continued to remember her after her death. Walpurga was made into a saint and her feast day coincides with the May Day celebrations. 

In many countries peoples celebrate Walpurgis Night, but in Germany especially it's also a time of witch festivals. It's also called "Witches Night" where witches meet up on the mountain and dance to the change of seasons, at Brocken in the Harz Mountains. Many have observed the witches night celebration as being enchanting and a magical yet spooky experience. There's a lot of similarities of Witches Night and with Halloween. Its when the veils are lowered, as the time of Spring/Autumn equinoxes. While the Germans celebrate the coming of May with witches, the idea is pre-Christian Pagan in origin, as this coincides with the time of Beltane. The English celebrate the arrival of May with cowslips, fairies and the May Queen, with fetes and maypole dances. Witches Night in Germany is a very exciting holiday. It even has a Springtime version of "trick or treating" style pranks that includes going out in costumes, setting off fireworks, hanging decorations of plants and fire dancing. So have a wonderful Walpurgis Night!    

Storm Valkyrie

Wednesday 17 April 2024

St George's Day


While living in the age of technology and space exploration using advanced rockets, we are also still fascinated by the mythical age of legends. Soon it is England's St. George's day and this also happens on the 23rd April, which is to be during a full moon this year. Other significant events on the 23rd April was the construction of the temple of goddess Venus on the Capitoline Hill, the defeat of Vikings at the Battle of Clontarf, the St. George's Night Uprising in Estonia, creation of the Order of the Garter, King Charles II of England, Scotland and Ireland is crowned, and not to mention the anniversary of St George's death, also the deaths of Joan of Arc and playwrite William Shakespeare. The celebration of St. George also occurs in other countries including Bulgaria, Ethiopia, Georgia, Greece, Portugal, Lebanon, Syria, Romania, Catalonia, Aragon, Rio de Janeiro and Alcoy. 

St. George's Day in Hungary is believed to happen during witch's sabbaths, so terrified people did what they could to protect themselves and their homes from sinister magical forces. This includes burning incense, gathering sticks and twigs from willow trees and birch trees to place around windows. They even protected their stables and livestock this way. In Germany there is the "George's Ride" tradition on 23rd April around churches. In Bavaria and Buttenheim, there's parades of people dressed up on brightly coloured horses and decorated wagons.   

According to spookier themed April 23rd is a time when it's not safe to go out at night on the eve of that St. George's Day. This is because vampires are believed to manifest their powers, and also witches and other supernatural creatures are mostly active. This was found in Bram Stoker's "Dracula" where evil happens on the night. April 23rd also happens to be World Book Day. 

As for St. George himself, he is always imagined as being a knight in shining armour, who people believe might've been English who really killed a fire breathing dragon to rescue a maiden. He was actually a Roman soldier, who was executed for being a Christian and not taking part in Pagan rituals. The man was turned into a martyr and later became canonized to sainthood, while the dragon represents the forces of evil, such as the devil, and/or the might of a pre-Christian pagan Rome. The dragon symbol was used by Roman legions on standards in the first century. Today the image of George and the dragon is also knotted and tied with ancient dragon stories of dragon slayers.

After all this lesson, enjoy the holiday and have fun.   

Storm Valkyrie 💚🐉

Tuesday 9 April 2024

The solar eclipse


Yesterday was the solar eclipse, as viewed in the northern hemisphere. Today we understand why it happens, but before it was an event that frightened people. In many religions, the solar eclipse was regarded as a bad omen. It was considered to be a horrific time of the sun itself being devoured by wolves and dragons. It made people in ancient times believe the gods were angry with humans and an eclipse of the sun meant darkness and famine. 

Now people regard the solar eclipse with fascination and excitement. A lot of modern Pagans view the solar eclipse as a time of spiritual growth, cleansing, deeper understandings about the astronomical event and it's significance to the Earth, rebirth and communication. When the sun aligns with the moon, it appears as though the sun has turned dark. This remarkable event is both powerful and spiritual. Groups hold sun eclipse celebrations, blots, parties and sacred rites. It's a time when Pagans practice healing and magic. 

Storm Valkyrie 

Thursday 4 April 2024

Daisy, April flower


The flower of April is a daisy. These are wild flowers associated with innocence and love. There Latin name is Bellis perennis, which means "pretty" and "everlasting". Daisies belong to the Asteraceae family, previously named the Compositae. Daisy relatives are a variety of plants such as the edible lettuce, sunflowers, dandelions, asters, goldenrod, thistle and chamomile. Even daisy family members are spices including sage, tarragon, artichoke and chicory. Daisies contain a lot of vitamin C.

Daisies are edible and can be eaten both raw, cooked, brewed in tea, in salads, and as a cake decoration. Traditionally daisies are used as a healing herb. It was used to cure bleeding, bronchitis, aches and pains. This flower was added as medicine to cure stiff joints and pain suffered by gardeners, farmers and peasants. Daisies were used to treat wounds and cuts. Extract from daisies are used in medicine therapies for people with cancer. 

The daisy flower is sacred to Freya, the Norse goddess of love and beauty. Used as a fertility symbol, daisies are associated with childbirth, motherhood and Spring. In Greek mythology, daisies grew wherever the goddess Persephone walked. Daisies are also connected to many goddesses including Ostara, Venus and Aphrodite. In Roman mythology, a beautiful nymph named Belides created daisies by first trying to flee the affections of a god, and so she changed herself into a daisy. 

Storm Valkyrie 

Thursday 21 March 2024


It's the time of the Spring equinox (19th-22nd March), named Ostara. It is the month when winter gives way to the new season and more flowers return, and many animals come out of their hibernation periods. The Spring equinox is also named the Vernal Equinox, which occurs in the Northern Hemisphere. 

I always observed that the beginning of the month of March is cold and dark, but late in March it's light and warm. Some celebrate in many different ways depending on their religion and customs.

Here is a page from Learn Religions website about egg magic and folklore.

The time of Easter is near. The Germanic goddess Eostre is a pre-Christian Pagan deity who was celebrated in ancient times. 

Many flowery blessings all!

Storm Valkyrie

Saturday 16 March 2024

Wake sleepyhead


There is something of Lord of the Rings vibe in the air. 

Brynhild is a favourite Valkyrie of the All Father god Odin. One day she offended him and as punishment, she was put under a spell. She entered a deep long sleep surrounded by a ring of magic flames. This is very similar to the fairy story of the Sleeping Princess. 

A lion that sleeps is a motif for the stars of Leo and also represents a punishment. As lions are symbols of power and strength, to have them sleeping is not positive, but a sign that the lion is dormant and vulnerable.

The prince and dragon slayer hero is the one destined to wake Brynhild/Sleeping Princess. So who really is He? A warrior archetype of the hero. He undoes the curse and frees Her from eternal sleep. 

 Aol wvza pz uva hivba huap-dhy, iba hivba bukvpun aol jluabyplz vm johpuz

Storm Valkyrie

Tuesday 12 March 2024

Dragon bones

Dragons tend to represent sheer power and ultimate strength, but they're seen as duel forces and connected to the earth's magnetic field. In the Western world, dragons have always been regarded as fearsome and dangerous, even destructive with their fiery breaths and monstrous forms, looking like giant serpentine reptiles most of them winged, or like fantastically huge creatures on both land and sea. They terrorise villages, consume livestock and are also a menace. Stories of knights and other brave heroes have gone out to slay these dragons, many died trying to succeed while a few are victorious. However, in the Eastern world, dragons are entirely different and they're respected, even idolised because they're respected for their strength, abilities and beauty. They're protectors and guardians, as well as divine beings among the elements such as Tianlong the celestial dragon. Dragons of the East are believed to pull chariots of the gods across the sky. 

So there is the medicine of dragons, called Os Draconis, or "Long gu". It's believed that the bones of dragons or Long gu will bring healing and calm, balance and cleansing. Dragon bones or Long gu is full of rich calcium carbonate and calcium phosphate. Calcium carbonate is a mineral, of which humans need if they're immune system is low. It helps to relieve heartburn, stomach upsets and acid indigestion. Calcium phosphate or tricalcium phosphate is mineral formula that boosts healthy growth in humans. Dragon bones are also able to calm dizziness, control fevers, sweating, high blood pressure, easing the heart and mind. 

While traditional Chinese medicines use dragon bones, it's also said that it shouldn't be mixed with fish, for it will counteract with gypsum or Shi goa. Dragon bones are grounded and crushed, that can be eaten with herbs. Some dragon bones are found sold on the market in different types. Those include Local (tu), Powder (fen), White (bai), Flower or variegated (hua). So what exactly are dragons bones? The answer is fossils of dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals.

Storm Valkyrie    

Tuesday 5 March 2024

Daffodil, March flower

The flower of March is the daffodil. It's the first sign of Spring, and the vibrant daffodil is also connected to the birth flower of March. Daffodils are big, bright and most of them are golden sunshine yellow coloured. Some might be white or with orange hems, even pink and other fusions. Also the daffodil is called a narcissus jonquil, and a daffadowndilly. It's said that yellow daffodils represent the sun, and white daffodils represent youth and innocence. Orange daffodils tend to be represented with much friendships and positivity. Pink daffodils represent cheer, happiness and gentleness. Daffodils have been used in perfumes and chemistry.

Be wary of eating them, and they can be deadly. Daffodil bulbs have caused deaths after being consumed as these are mistaken as onions. People have fallen very sick and have needed treatment and hospital stays. Back in 2009 at Gorseland Primary School in Martlesham Heath, Suffolk, 12 children became sick from daffodil poisoning when they had a cookery lesson that was supposed to use onions.

Daffodils are called "Rose of Sharon" in the King James Bible. It's in Greek mythology that a handsome young man named Narcissus was transformed into a flower. Daffodils are sacred the Hades, the god of the Underworld, and his wife goddess Persephone. 

More references to daffodils:

Wikipedia Narcissus (daffodil) plant https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narcissus_(plant) 

Things in the barn daffodil page https://www.thingsinthebarn.com/inthegarden/daffodil

Storm Valkyrie

Thursday 15 February 2024

Silphium the lost flower


Silphium is the name of a golden coloured plant that was highly used in ancient times, much favoured among the Romans for it's chemical that was used as a love potion. It was known as an aphrodisiac, and plenty of horny people sought the plant Silphium. It was picked and then collected, sold in markets, sold in shops, given away as gifts to lovers and even used at orgiastic parties. Then two thousand years ago, Silphium became extinct. 

It was eaten too much, and then it stopped growing. Found only on the coast of Cyrenaica, it wasn't able to be harvested or cultivated elsewhere. So it only allowed to grow in its natural place. Lustful Romans ended the flower. Yet, was this true? Let me look into it. The ancient Greeks called it Silphion, but it was a favourite passion flower in demand already, long before the Greeks and Romans. The flower was a food source, cooked and consumed during harsh droughts, bad harvests and disease outbreaks. The flower acted as medicine, a healing herb, and also fed hungry mouths. It was mostly a contraceptive, taken by women who didn't want to get pregnant while enjoying company of men. 

But it was highly valued as an aphrodisiac. The ancient Greeks had coins with the image of the Silphium plant on the reverse side. It was at the reign of Julius Caesar, that a load of Silphium was stockpiled with a value of thousands of pounds, along with gold in the Roman treasure vault. Saplings of Silphium was of the same value as silver. Everyone loved Silphium. But one day, it simply vanished. It was the Roman writer Pliny the Elder who said "only one stalk" of Silphium was found. That stalk was given to Emperor Nero and it was the last time Silphium was reported. 

It was many centuries later after Pliny the Elder (who died in 79 AD) that people searched high and low for the fabled legendary flower Silphium. They looked around the Mediterranean coasts and especially at Cyrenaica where the plant naturally grew. During the Middle Ages, people searched for Silphium over many continents and they travelled with knowledge of botany and historic texts. It was never found and it was concluded the plant was extinct.

A researcher named Mahmut Miski of Istanbul University believes that he found the plant growing on Mount Hasan in Turkey. This plant is scientifically called Ferula Drudeana, although many people debate this and believe it could be a relation nothing more. 

Further info and reading "On the hunt for mystery herb" at Kew: https://www.kew.org/read-and-watch/silphium-mystery  

"Gift of Apollo" at Garden of Gods and Monsters: https://gardenofgodsandmonsters.wordpress.com/2013/07/21/gift-of-apollo-and-womens-friend-silphium/  

Storm Valkyrie 🌸

Thursday 8 February 2024

Violet, February flower


Many early flowers begin to show in the wild during February, and the most common to see are snowdrops, then crocuses, daffodils, winter jasmine and more, not to mention winter pansies. The flower associated with the month of February because of the colour and folklore is the Violet. There are many varieties of violets but in northern Europe the sweet violets show in February. 

The birthstone of February is an amethyst, a purple coloured gem and violets mostly are purple. Violets are also come in shades of blue, even there are many colourful violets. Regular wild violets are purple and sweet smelling. Pansies are another type of violet. These delicate flowers are tough little cookies, as they can thrive in cold winters and warm summers. 

Since ancient times people have cultivated violets. As their shapes are like hearts, it's obvious that they're associated with Valentine's Day. For this reason alone, violets are symbols of romantic love. The aromatic flowers have been used to make perfumes for centuries. Considered a pretty feature in cookery, especially as cake decorations, herbal remedies and wine making. It's believe that violets could attract love and they were used in spells and potions. 

Violets are linked to the goddess of love as well as the planet Venus. Violets grown in the garden are said to help attract fairies.  

Storm Valkyrie

Saturday 27 January 2024

Healing white crystal

Here is a crystal, a simple milky quartz, filled with energy and light, forged in nature itself, it's beauty is like a star, and is common as water, less valued than a diamond but more powerful than gold. It can cause harm to no one. Yet it's used to defeat evil, and instil memories, focus on remembering dreams and make past faint events clearer to the mind. Milky quartz is a physical cloud of the heavens, born deep within the earth's soil, and it summons no bad entities or used in malice, although it can protect and shield from harm, danger and spitefulness.

The moon itself has entered a last phase of January the other night, a moon that is a reflection of light, with a dark side. This milky crystal can enhance the magic of the moon by helping to protect against evil and danger.

The nature of the crystal is similar to moonlight. 

A time of Winter, snow and storm, a waning wolf moon, brings with it a new beginning and lighter days ahead. It will be natural and not in anger. The force of the moon and sun is familiar and more powerful than the deeds of humanity. The sky and Earth together can help protect all living things against anger, danger and evil. Kindness is a powerful tool. Sharing and giving, nurturing and healing. Give love and compassion to animals and this will strengthen love and the power of the crystal healing. The moon and sun observes human behaviour and it's awful impact on other creatures. 

The play of the fox, the flight of birds, the bedrests of hibernating creatures, the swim of marine animals too, is all part of the Earth as well as humanity, but sadly most people have forgot nature. It is why there are many wars and too much damage to the land and sea. It takes just one person, from a child to an elderly human to feel love, compassion, kindness and empathy towards animals and plants, including trees. Trees, water and air gives life. The crystal that is reflection and energy, can heal and expel evil and danger. 

The minor little quartz can help feed healing and good feelings brought on by restored memories and health. Humans have been sick too long as a species, but individuals remember nature and more need to grow to put evil and danger at bay, and overcome it. 

Storm Valkyrie 

Sunday 14 January 2024

Hellebore, January flower

The most common wild species of flower to grow in January is the hellebore. It's other name is "winter rose" because it looks similar in shape. They come in many varieties and is an evergreen. 

Across Europe and the British Isles is a native green hellebore (helleborus viridis) that appears in January in the wilds, then flowers later. It looks like a green flower, which adds colour to the grey soil of a wintry landscape. Many more hellebores can be found on the Wikipedia page: Hellebore

Hellebore's have sepals that come in different colours and shades. Despite the title "rose" given to these plants, hellebores are not related to the rose family.

They're quite poisonous and more harmful to dogs. Gardeners Path explains more about the effects on animals that eat these plants: Toxic hellebore

Hellebores are associated with healing. Hippocrates, the Greek philosopher, cultivated hellebore's to use in medicine. In folklore, hellebore plants have been used to protect against evil spirits. 

Here is an interesting page all about the hellebore found on Magickal site: Hellebore

Many types of hellebore for your garden at Epic Gardening: 17 types of hellebore

Storm Valkyrie

Wednesday 3 January 2024

My zodiac - Earth Star zodiac

Happy 2024! The zodiac is really a circle and not a line. A look at each sign and reading up on ancient signs including Celtic, Viking and more. Traits that are typical but not most definite as outlined here. 

Aries: The ram symbol, with two powerful curling horns represents a crown, strength, yet seeks to empower with its element of fire and ruled by planet Mars. 

Taurus is a ferocious beast of sharp horns, which makes it robust and fearsome, but it's symbolised meaning is an earth sign, with its ruling planet Venus.

Gemini: the twins, light and dark, night and day, the duel nature. There are two opposing elements and forces going on. The two differences give this air sign balance ruled by the planet Mercury

Cancer the crab is a water sign and creature of the sea, where it's vibrant and filled with life but crab nature is of the shadows, keeping inside a shell, although hidden. Protects in light of the ruling planet Moon.

Leo is sunshine and fiery, a powerful symbol that is a lion of the wilderness, and Leo symbolising nobility, but also deeply mysterious and ruled by the Sun.

Virgo is linked to flowers, agriculture and is an earth sign. A designer of crops and the land, this sign is connected to the planet Mercury.

Libra is the scales. Much connected to the planet Venus, while Libra symbolises air and needs basic strength in enchanting powers and natural instinct. 

Scorpio is complex, a water sign with a stinging tail. They relish in darker matters and drawn to the deep and unknown but confident, whose ruling planet is Pluto. 

Sagittarius the archer and hunter can be a centaur, in charge and also ruled by the planet Jupiter, makes the sign adventurous. a fire sign that rolls through the sky. 

Capricorn: A sea goat Earth sign, the vassal, navigator with horns. It guides the way and strength is in sharp clear focus of sea and land, day and night, practical and linked to the planet Saturn.

Aquarius is a water carrier and an air sign that represents breathing and oxygen, while in communication far and wide, ruled by the planet Uranus. 

Pisces the fish is a water sign ruled by planet Neptune, symbolised by two opposing fish, the sign is strengthened by the unknown and the deepest ocean on the self.  

Storm Valkyrie