

Friday 23 December 2022

Yule Goat

The Yule Goat or Julbock is a Swedish tradition with pre-Christian origins. Each year in Sweden, a large figure of a goat made of straw is put up to mark the beginning of Yule season. There are those who might make bets to find out if the Yule Goat made of straw survives until Christmas day without being destroyed. Even if there isn't any hungry animals that would eat it going near the Yule Goat, or if there isn't any storms, someone mean chooses to burn the statue down. People like to make little Yule Goats made of straw tied with red ribbons as festive decorations. The idea of a straw goat is connected to the old customs of making use of the last sheaf from harvest, which was regarded as magical.  

It was always believed that the Yule Goat has a spiritual place in the hearts of people at the season. Centuries ago, it was believed that elves visit children riding on the backs of goats. They go and check door to door, bringing gifts. The images of Yule Goats may be from the Norse legend of the goats named Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjostr who belong to Thor, the god of thunder and rain. 

The Yule Goat was thought of as a spirit figure who watched over the preparations of the festivities and making sure it was done properly. Centuries ago, people used to dress up as goats, then sing songs, perform plays and make pranks. One of the pranks was to put a toy Yule Goat inside a neighbour's house without them noticing it. By the 19th Century, the Yule Goat became a bringer of gifts and soon replaced by Santa. There is also the colourful display of the huge Gavle Goat ornament, put up in many cities and town squares over the Yule holidays until New Year.    

Storm Valkyrie     

Monday 12 December 2022


Well the mistletoe is a favourite plant at Yule time, as everyone knows the story about the special kisses happening under the display of mistletoe. But most people are not fully aware that mistletoe is poisonous, but it's also a parasitic plant that grows on different types of trees, such as hawthorn, apple trees, limes, poplar, maple, and conifers. What mistletoe does is drain their host trees of nutrients and moisture, weakening them. Birds like Mistle thrush and Blackcaps eat the berries of mistletoe, then afterwards they throw away the seeds. This would help other birds make nests. Mistletoe is also called viscum album, which means "white goo"! 

Kissing under the mistletoe is a very old tradition, and many believed it represented fertility. Mistletoe berries look like pearls, and also could be mistaken for snow flakes. Many women in Italy kept mistletoe as they believed it protected them from evil and would also help them become fertile. The ancient druids thought that the white berries of mistletoe was the semen droplets of the Oak King. Pliny the Elder made note in his Natural History book, that the druids foraged mistletoe "on the sixth day of the moon" using golden sickles and white cloaks so the plants would not fall to the ground and lose their magical powers. White bulls would be sacrificed during the ceremony called Ritual of Oak and Mistletoe. This would result in the mistletoe berries used to enhance fertility in livestock.

In Norse mythology, mistletoe was the only plant that could kill the god Baldur the Beautiful. The trickster god Loki discovered this very plant was the weapon so he persuaded the blind god Hother to shoot it at Baldur, killing him instantly. The gods cried for the death of Baldur, and goddess Frigga wanted his life restored. She cried so much that her tears changed the colour of mistletoe berries from red to white, then Baldur was returned. So it was decided that the mistletoe would symbolise love and resurrection from the dead.    

Storm Valkyrie

Saturday 3 December 2022

Holly King and Oak King

The legend of the Holly King and the Oak King is an ancient story. It's from mostly Celtic mythology and is a favourite tale of a seasonal battle. The Holly King represents Winter, and is often associated with Yule and darkness, The Oak King represents Summer and is often associated with Midsummer solstice and sunlight. They are both different and yet they're rivals, because they're both in love with the Earth Goddess. Their fight is a cycle, and when one side wins, the other will vanish. When the Holly King wins, the Oak King has gone into the shadows. Later they duel again and when the Oak King wins, the Holly King fades. 

Some identity the two kings as being one god, who has two different opposing sides, Summer and Winter. This is like a single deity with two personalities and characteristics. The times that they rule happen during the periods of important events, when the Earth is a certain distance away from the sun, planetary alignment and astronomical, but the ancients knew all this. During Winter, the Holly King rules until Spring, when his brother the Oak King takes his crown and brings Summer. Then it happens all over again. This is one magical story to explain the seasons. 

While we're under the Holly King's time of rule, Winter is the most dreaded time, but it can be the most exciting because of Yule. Many aspects of the Holly King and Oak King have appeared in literature and share similar traits with other deities. The Holly King wears a crown of holly leaves and berries. He's like Santa Claus (Father Christmas), Father Frost and the god Odin. In fiction he's like the Ghost of Christmas Present. There are the birds associated with them too, the wren and the robin. Oak King has got the robin, a bird associated with Winter but is with the king of summer. The Holly King has captured the wren, a bird associated with summer and stays with the king of Winter. 

Storm Valkyrie    

Monday 21 November 2022

Gingerbread house

In the story "Hansel and Gretel" by the Brothers Grimm, there is a house made of gingerbread. The children were so hungry and overcome by the sight of a lot of candies that they began eating the house, which only drew attention to a witch. Although it's entirely a fairy tale, and a house couldn't possibly be edible, even though bakers have created fantastic looking designs made of food, were there such a house back in the woods in the past? Well sort of yes.

Now the story itself is far older than the version we know today. It's origins go back to the early Middle Ages. A solitary old woman, like the witch from the story, would've lived in a hovel during the Medieval period. She would've grown a splendid herb garden with fruit trees, berries, vegetables and spices growing all around with aromatic plants. The dwelling would seem magical to hungry children who found it. Most people from Medieval times were often half starved during a dismal age of famine and the Black Death. So they loved the concept of the Land of Cockayne, a place of utopia with plenty of food and happiness.

The ginger root is used for healing and teas. Once, it was stated by Henry VIII that enough ginger could resist the Bubonic plague. The ancient Greeks made the first gingerbread but it was during the Middle Ages in north Europe that it became decorative. Gingerbreads was a favourite among many, both rich and poor. so in England there were Gingerbread Fairs. In Germany, they started making gorgeous little gingerbread houses in the 16th century. Gingerbread is often associated with Yuletide and winter season because the food itself is spicy and warm. Some believe that this inspired the Brothers Grimm to make the gingerbread house in the story "Hansel and Gretel" to lure the children into danger but it was clearly much older.

Storm Valkyrie   

Saturday 12 November 2022

Remember wartime animals

 A war memorial graphic to remember all those animals who served during wars. People shouldn't forget these innocent animals who risked their lives in service.

The purple poppy is a symbol of animals who died during war.

Wikipedia page about Purple Poppy

Storm Valkyrie 💜🌸

Tuesday 25 October 2022

Foolish fire creatures

This is a very old traditional belief in the "Foolish Fire" creatures. These are known as ignis fatuus, which is Latin for "giddy flame" or basically they're mostly called Will-o'-the-wisps. Today the most famous household flame creatures are the Jack - o'-lanterns. Others are called different names like hobby lanterns, hinkypunks, friar's lanterns and even fairies! 

While many people associate them with pumpkin carvings every Halloween, there's a true phenomena about these mysterious lights. In other parts of the world, these orbs of fiery dancing lights are called Spook Lights, Marta Lights and St Louis Light in the Americas while in Norway are the Hessdalen Lights and in Thailand they're called Naga Fireballs. There's many folk stories about them. While science has a logical explanation about the lights, fairy tales and legends give them life and magic.

In Britain and Ireland, these firelights were believed to have been spirits of the dead. So as the veil is thin during this time of year, people made their own fire creatures by hollowing out vegetables and placing tea candles inside. Before the introduction of pumpkins, Europeans used other vegetables instead mainly turnips. This is practiced still today even when many prefer using pumpkins, because there's something very olde world about seeing turnip hob o' lanterns. Pumpkins are now widely available and they can grow in vast numbers in a small garden! 

Storm Valkyrie    

Friday 14 October 2022

Witch elm

This is a tree also spelled as "wych elm". The species grows in the British Isles, with its close relatives in Europe from Scandinavia to Italy, as well as in the Arctic Circle and parts of Asia. This tree is also called Scots elm and Ulmus glabra since it grows very much in the north in Scotland as it enjoys harsh winters. Regarded as a tree that heals wounds, especially with it's astringent properties in the leaves and bark. Its leaves and fruit is edible. 

Despite it's magical sounding name, the word "witch" refers to the supple type of wood, coming from Old English "wice", hence the other spelling. Also even though witch elm is pliant, it's water proof and has got some fighting spirit against Dutch elm disease although not totally immune. There are many types of elms so in Britain don't confuse witch-elm (or wych elm) with English elm. English elms are tall and slender, while witch elms are bulky shaped.

Wych elms are often associated with death and darkness in folklore. Its long believed that wands were made from witch elm. These trees were connected to the Underworld in Celtic mythology, In Greek myth, the very first witch elm grew right where Orpheus played music for his undead lover Eurydice that he rescued from the Underworld. The nymph of the west, named Erytheia, turned herself into a witch elm tree in the Garden of Hesperides. A chilling mystery happened in 1944 when children were playing and then they discovered a dead woman inside the hollow of a witch elm tree. To this day the victim is unknown but still someone keeps writing graffiti "Who put Bella in the wych elm?"      

Witch elms or wych elms do well for industry and can make excellent weapons as people have used the wood to create bows. These trees have been favoured to build coffins, wheels, piers, groynes and underground pipes because the wood is so water proof. Witch elms tolerate the most polluted cities, and they can produce yellow dye.

Storm Valkyrie        

Friday 7 October 2022


The season of Samhain, also called All Hallow's Eve and Halloween, comes with the thinning of the veil, or lowering of realms between the living and the dead. It can be viewed as a time when Summer is fading away and Winter is closing in. It's for many celebrations including the honouring of ancestors with warm spiced food and drink. 

A holiday named Winter Nights that happens roughly middle of October, sometimes viewed as the turn of a new year by the Germanics. The season of Samhain and Winternights is famous for pumpkins, apples and bonfires, as well as ghosts. Meditation, scrying, rune divination and spirit communication works stronger at this time. 

Another interesting fact is a Norse ritual called Alfblot, occurring late in October. It was regarded as a sacrifice of animals to the elves. It was considered sacred and was a private ceremony done in homesteads instead of in public at great halls or in the open town squares. No one would dare to interrupt them and no outsider would think of bursting in. Today the ritual sacrifice has been replaced to eating red meat. Both Celtic and Germanic made small contained fires (later on it was lanterns were made with putting candles in hollow pumpkins and turnips). 

Storm Valkyrie      

Wednesday 21 September 2022

The good and bad chestnuts

It's the time for conker hunting but there's a lot you should know. Conkers come from horse chestnut trees and they grow inside green shells covered in spikes. The shells are soft but the spikes can be very sharp so it's tricky to open them. Squirrels, deer and wild boar like eating them but conkers are poisonous to other animals including dogs and humans. Horse chestnuts contain a toxic chemical named aesculin. 

Although I discussed horse chestnuts mainly, there is an edible type called sweet chestnut. Sweet chestnuts are high in vitamin C. These come from spiky shells but they look different to horse chestnuts although they're the both a reddish brown colour. Conkers, or horse chestnuts are round. Edible sweet chestnuts are teardrop shaped and resembles chocolates. Horse chestnuts are from Aesculis trees or "buckeyes". Sweet chestnuts are from Castanea trees. 

The sweet chestnut trees can live for about 700 years and they mature after 25 years. These trees were introduced by the Romans into Britain and can be found in mainly the south of England. These trees are found all over Europe, Asia and the Americas. The pollen from the flowers growing on sweet chestnut trees are a rich source of food for wildlife. It must be mentioned that conker trees/horse chestnut trees come from the Balkans area and were introduced into the British Isles during the 17th century. Horse chestnuts grow flowers called "candles" that attract pollinating bees. While horse chestnuts are bad to eat, there's medicine properties within them. Horse chestnut is an astringent, this may help swollen wounds, and is used for inflammations. There's only good and bad chestnuts as far as what's good or bad to eat. Both types of chestnuts are valuable. 

Storm Valkyrie      

Wednesday 14 September 2022

Autumns dark side


Autumn is a beautiful season but it's got a grim side. While it's a season to be enjoyed, with gorgeous colours of leaves, walking through piles of crunchy leaves, conkers, apples, the smells of bonfires and pumpkins, the many warm celebrations of harvest, Halloween, Mabon, Oktoberfest, Thanksgiving and much more, there are down sides to Autumn too. This includes the chilly weather, going back to school, big spiders, hauntings and most of all, nasty virus bugs that bring cold viruses and flus. 

People tend to overlook the seriousness of colds and flus but these illnesses can be horrible for those suffering, as it depends on the type of flu and the health of the person with it. Some can shake off colds quickly but not everyone. Colds can be a hard time and can render someone ill enough to feel at deaths door. Those with a fragile immunity can actually die from a common cold. There are some ways of boosting a low immunity and the main ingredient is zinc. 

Zinc can be found in food, but more is located in herbs like basil, Asiatic pennywort, asparagus, poppy seed, chervil, thyme, celery seeds, mustard seeds, dill seeds and false daisy. Zinc is also found in red meat, shellfish, legumes, nuts, eggs, dairy, whole grains, mushrooms, corn, broccoli, brown rice and garlic. 

Free your home of stray spiders using natural repellents like lavenders, lemons, conker shells, tea tree, eucalyptus, cinnamon, cedar, citronella, peppermint and vinegar. Cats are a fantastic way to rid of mice and spiders, but they're also able to get rid of annoying ghosts too. Garlic keeps away spiders as well as vampires, ghosts and insects. Clean your indoors, eat plenty of zinc based food and enjoy the season of Autumn.

Storm Valkyrie 

Thursday 8 September 2022

Thunder stuff


A lot of thunderstorms have been going on here. Here are some interesting facts about such weather, and I felt like posting about it today.

The sound of thunder is so loud that it can be heard about 15 miles away. Lightning is so powerful and bright that it's visible as far as up to 100 miles away.

It's estimated that thunderstorms are far more dangerous than hurricanes and tornadoes. It kills about 2,000 people each year.

Thunder and lightning can happen during a snowfall, called "Thunder snow."

Thunder and also lightning that appears during a volcanic eruption is called "Dirty Thunder."

The ancient Greeks including philosopher, Aristotle, believed thunder was caused by thick clouds banging together.

Lightning is able to strike 25 miles from the origin of the thunder cloud.

Lightning bolts have 100 million volts of electricity.

Storm Valkyrie

Tuesday 30 August 2022

Protect against negativity


There are many ways of protecting oneself from negativity. Use either the following:

Salt: (It soaks up bad energies). It can be sprinkled in the corners of the room, to ward off evil energies from entering your home. Making a circle with a little salt can keep things clear inside. Putting a small amount of salt in a pouch will be carried around and worn to keep evil and unpleasant energies away. 

Crystals: Wearing crystals is a personal way to protect yourself. Some crystals work different. The most strongest guardian crystal against negativity is black tourmaline. Quartz is a shield against bad spirits. Obsidian helps to clear away unpleasant rubbish energies and encourage fresh positivity. Black jade is for warding off bad people's vibes and keeps their ill luck away. Pyrite helps to clean the body, mind and spirit of harmful energies from technology. Amethyst helps calm you from stress, but also can keep nightmares away if placed under your pillow. Citrine can be worn and put under the pillow to encourage better health, positive feelings and grow wellness.  

Incense: Sticks or cones that give a powerful scent also dispels negative energy. Certain incense resins keep out bad energy and can send away any stray unpleasant feelings or bad spirits. This helps if you suffer with unfriendly poltergeists and toxic neighbours: Dragon's Blood is a healer, from the dracaena palm tree that has a powerful aroma that gives inner peace and strong positivity. Myrrh can clean a place of bad energies, and also give a person more inner healing. Frankincense can help calm depression, lift moods and settle the room of bad spirits when used by spirit mediums. Cedar can heal misery by sending away cluttered bad feelings. Sage is a cleaning incense used since ancient times. 

Storm Valkyrie      

Friday 19 August 2022


Hydrangea is a flowering plant that is also diverse, as they can be both evergreen and deciduous. These plants can be found on shrubs as well as climbers and trees. Another name is hortensia. Often found in gardens they look like big bunches of flowers in many colours that make it look like ice creams. However though, they're nothing of the sort! These plants are very sour tasting but more on this in a moment. Mostly decorative and gorgeous, these flowering plants have been used in Asia to make tea. There's something else you need to know about these flowers too: 

It's poisonous.

They shouldn't be eaten. This plant has cyanogenic glycoside, which releases hydrogen cyanide when eaten. The causes will result in stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhea and headaches. They're especially harmful to animals, including cats, rabbits, horses, hamsters and dogs. While it's not likely that anyone would want to chew on bitter and unpleasant tasting plants, even if they look like candies, it's best to seek medical help if someone has done this and may have allergies or suffering bad side effects. Animals that have eaten this plant should be taken to the vets. 

While poisonous, this plant has magical qualities. Known amongst healers, and witches, hydrangea bark and roots have medicinal properties to treat burns and muscle pain. Herbal tonics extracted from the hydrangea plant is for healing prostate infections, kidney stones and bladder problems. In folklore, the hydrangea plant is used in spells to lift curses and hexes. 

Storm Valkyrie 


Tuesday 9 August 2022

Maighdean Uaine

The maighdean uaine is a Gaelic term that means "green maiden". The green maidens are also well known as Green Ladies, for they have been seen as ghosts haunting various places around the British Isles. These famous landmarks for the Green Ladies are in many castles, including Fyvie Castle in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, Knock Castle at the Isle of Skye, Ashintully Castle in Perthshire Scotland and Longleat in Somerset, England. Another name for them is Glaistig as they're called in the Scottish Highlands. They can be considered either scary or benign. 

They always appear as beautiful women dressed in green although its believed by some that if they show up, it's a sign of death. The Scottish green maidens can be like banshees and they tend to have faun features, with the upper torsos of women and lower bodies of goats. They cover their lower selves with flowing green gowns. In other versions they look human with golden hair, grey complexions and dressed all in green. They scream and wail when they're noticed. She's nicknamed a "water imp" as she appears alone beside rivers, streams and lochs in the Scottish Highlands. Described as both a spirit of earth and water, she also is a trickster being. The more sinister versions of the maighdean uaine are similar to vampires. They lure men to their seductive beauty, their dancing and enchanting singing voices, just so that they can drink their blood. Stones have been placed to alter paths so travellers avoid going near the green maidens of death. But they're not all so bad.

The glaistig are considered guardians spirits. These green maidens care for the cattle and also as well protecting farmers and herders. The green maidens have played around in the fields with village children as their mothers milk the cows. People put out fresh milk in stone basins or wooden bowls for the green maidens because the gleistig protect the cattle. But then one day in the village of Ach-na-Creige on the Isle of Mull, a troublemaker from a village poured boiled milk into the stone, which burned the mouth of a green maiden when she drank it. For this wicked prank, the glaistig went away and abandoned the cattle in that place. Another legend has a green maiden swapping cattle for deer to help hunters, so she's known as friend and guardian of cattle and deer, and also goddess of the hunt.

Storm Valkyrie             

Saturday 30 July 2022



The day of Lammas is an old celebration that happens on the first day of August. Rural communities throughout the British Isles used to celebrate with loaves of bread, and the day was also called Harvest Festival, Loaf Feast, Grain Harvest and Lughnasadh, the Gaelic name associated with the three-faced god Lugh. It's similar to the Heathen festival of Freyfaxi, in celebration of the corn and the fertility god Frey.

Known as the first of three harvest holidays, Lughnasadh appears in the summer and most fairs celebrating happened around burial mounds. Making bread and corn husk dolls have become a popular way to celebrate this season among neo pagans and Wiccans. 

It's a time of feasting on baked food, loaves, plaited bread, pies with blueberries. Biscuits made with cereals. Drinking beer or mead to celebrate or have honey flavoured tea.      

Storm Valkyrie

Tuesday 19 July 2022

Mentha pulegium

Mentha pulegium is better known by its other name: Pennyroyal. It's also called "pudding grass" and "mosquito plant". These fluffy plants grow purple flowers with sunburst shaped petals. They look so pretty and have a slight taste of mint. But I must point out Pennyroyal has a dark side. 

Often found in the wild, they can also be cultivated and produced in damp soil. It's always been a favourite food ingredient since ancient times, as mentioned in the Roman cookery book Apicius of the 5th century CE. Pennyroyal has been considered for its medicinal uses. 

Pliny the Elder (23-79 CE) wrote about Pennyroyal in his book Naturalis Historia being a plant that can encourage blood flow in women, as it's an emmenagogue drug. Pennyroyal has been used by pregnant women seeking abortions throughout the ancient world. The herb was also used to treat menstrual flow problems, flea infections and toothaches.

However, despite the popularity of Pennyroyal being a wonder plant for thousands of years for food and medicine, modern day scientists found Pennyroyal to be harmful. The most toxic of all is the Pennyroyal oil, as it can cause pain, vomiting, fatigue, and even death, depending on how much of it was swallowed. It's best avoided.  

Storm Valkyrie       

Sunday 3 July 2022

Papaya fruit


During the warm months it's natural to want to eat more tropical fruit. Amongst the fruits include the fancy papaya, but it's one of the most harmful fruits to find in the market. Papya is an artificial fruit, that was first domesticated by Mesoamericans in South Mexico and Central America. This became distributed in different parts of the world. Papaya is often found growing in abundance after a hurricane where it grows in everglades. Papaya can get harmful viruses such as the "Papaya Ringspot Virus" and "Papaya Mosaic Virus." The fruit gets attacked by anthracnose fungus, powder mildew, phytophthora blight, papaya fruit flies, two-spotted spider mites, whitefly, fruit flies, which gives parasites.   

Papaya is the top most harmful fruit that causes miscarriages. While this fruit is considered "healthy" by many websites, eating it can cause bad side effects and even death. Papaya can lead to stomach pains and diarrhoea. Papaya can disrupt blood especially for those on medication. Papaya is harmful for diabetics, as it lowers sugar levels. Eating papaya may cause bleeding, itching, headaches, wheezing and skin rash. It seems that papaya is pretty dangerous for a lot of people. Papaya contains carpain, allergens and papain that damages the esophagus. The fruit is so toxic that some countries have banned papaya, especially the GM types.  

Storm Valkyrie 

Tuesday 21 June 2022

Happy Midsummer 2022


This is a special day, for it's the Summer Solstice, Litha or Midsummer, the longest day of the year. when the sun is at its highest and longest. There are many ways to celebrate this, even going outside to enjoy the longest day. You can appreciate nature and all the gifts the earth provides. From the honey bees to the colourful butterflies, all of the flowers, trees, animals, and the sacred life giving water. Some people choose to visit ancient sites to celebrate, while others dance around maypoles. There are bonfires lit around the world to honour this day, a tradition that is very ancient. I wish you all a lovely day. 

Storm Valkyrie 🌼🌻

Thursday 16 June 2022



Summer is here and all the beautiful flowers and trees have flourished in vibrant colours. There are dangers to be aware of though. Amongst the lovely scenery of rich plants are some dangerous types. One of the most poisonous plants around is Hemlock. It looks innocent, and is a white spray of tiny flowers blossoming like clouds on elegant bushes. The hemlock can trick you as it looks very similar to other flowers and can be mistaken for Baby's Breath, Water hemlock, Queen Anne's Lace and Cow Parsley. Hemlock is a deadly plant and eating it will cause death. Touching it and breathing it will also be harmful, so avoid going near the plant. Look carefully and see that Hemlock has hairless green stems covered in blood coloured splotches.  

This poisonous beauty is invasive and spreads. It isn't just the flowers that is poisonous but all of it, including its roots, leaves, stems and seeds. This plant is scientifically called Conium maculatum, and it's other names are Poison hemlock, Wild hemlock, Poison Parsley, Beaver's Poison, Warlock's Weed and much more names. It's a biennial type of plant that requires little as it's considered hardy and adapts to cold and warm climates. Hemlock can grow up to 10 foot tall and herbaceous. While used to treat all manner of diseases and ailments in the past, it was also used to execute criminals in ancient times. The Greek philosopher, Socrates, drank hemlock tea and died. Certain witches used Hemlock in making potions. Hemlock isn't related to the hemlock tree at all, but Hemlock is part of the carrot family.  

Storm Valkyrie

Wednesday 8 June 2022

Book review "The Cult of the Green Bird"


If you're interested in birds and mythology, I recommend this book called "The Cult of the Green Bird: The Mythology of the Green Woodpecker" by Antony Clare-Lees. It's a pleasant read, with the author delving into the nature of the green woodpecker and folklore around it, from the earliest myths to folklore and poems. I never imagined that this sweet natured little bird could've been the focus of magical and mystical attention for thousands of years, from the Axe of Ishtar, to being the sacred bird of Mars. The green woodpecker appeared in the legend of Romulus and Remus. The green woodpecker has been a friend of human beings since time began. 

Other small gems inside the book includes a list of names for this bird, and some nice illustrations such as showing pictures of green woodpecker's significance to people since antiquity. It mentioned that the green woodpecker has always been considered a rain bird as its unique sounds help people learn to predict how the weather will be like, which is helpful to farmers. Associated with the rain, thunder and oak trees, the green woodpecker is truly inspiring.       

Published in 2002 by Scotforth Books, and is well worth reading. One of the most important books to have on the shelf.

Storm Valkyrie

Wednesday 1 June 2022

Agate cookie monsters


Agate is a very attractive and colourful rock that was loved ever since ancient Greek civilisation where the rock has been found as decoration throughout Knossos in Crete. It's always been used in art and jewellery over the centuries. Despite all it's loveliness, people working in agate have suffered respiratory diseases caused mainly by silica dust. In a way agate is harmful when it comes to grinding. However, a number of weird looking agate rocks have been discovered. 

The Cookie Monster agate is a happy looking face found inside a natural agate rock. There wasn't just one such Cookie Monster, but more! This pair of Cookie Monster agates were found in Brazil. An egg shaped stone was cracked open to reveal a pair of smiling cookie monsters! Check out the link to find these and other interesting agates: 


Storm Valkyrie 👄💜😃🌷

Tuesday 24 May 2022


This has always been a fascination of mine: whirlwinds. Once I encountered a visible whirlwind (dust devil) that appeared in a quiet street as I was on my way to school. Then I watched it cross the road to meet me, and I stopped to let it pass and it touched me. I felt a little bit giddy but so pleasantly cool on that hot Summer afternoon. 

A few years ago I had this whimsical dream of a white tornado that didn't do any harm, but lift up flowers and leaves, and there was an aroma of perfume. I recently came across a video of a tornado being followed by a drone. It's very interesting and sort of reminds me of that dream. I wanted to share it here: 

Storm Valkyrie 🌹

Sunday 15 May 2022

Bleeding mushrooms

Mushroom season is still a way off. There is a species found across Europe called the Bloody Milkcaps, or Rovellons in Spain. It's proper scientific name is Lactarius sanguifluus. It's a mushroom that is edible and strange in behaviour for it looks as if it's bleeding. While picking the mushrooms in forests is quite normal, it's believed that picking these mushrooms found near industrial complexes and roads is not a good idea, as the soil will be contaminated, producing toxic mushrooms full of heavy metals.  

There is Hydnellum peckii mushroom, mostly called other nicknames "Devil's tooth," "Strawberries and cream" and "Bleeding tooth". This bizarre looking fungus appears as if it's bleeding heavily. These are not actually bleeding, as they grow bright ruby red nodules. While not poisonous, they're not edible either because of their unpleasant taste. They don't look very appetising if I'm to be perfectly honest.

Storm Valkyrie  🍄🍄   

Tuesday 3 May 2022

Roses are sacred to Goddess Freya

Valkyries in Norse mythology provide mead, a warm spiced alcoholic drink with a heavy flavour. Often made with honey, the special mead provided in Valhalla by the night maidens comes from the sacred milk of a divine goat called Heidrun. She eats the vegetation growing from the tree Læraðr

More incredible trees in Norse myth includes Yggdrasil, the gigantic cosmic tree that holds nine worlds, Glasir the red foliage leaf tree standing outside of the entrance to the Halls of Valhalla, Barnstokkr the blossom tree in the centre of the halls, Mimameidr is the home of the divine bird Vidopnir, and Hoddmimisholt the secure tree that shields the surviving humans from Ragnarok. 

The first ever humans in Norse legends is Ask and Embla, were first made from trees. It took the three gods, brothers Odin, Vili and Ve, a time of perfecting their humans. One piece of wood was shaped like a man, and the other shaped like a woman. Odin breathed life into each, while his brothers gave them senses and blood. 

The queen of the Valkyries is goddess Freya and her sacred flower is a rose. 

Freya, Goddess of gold, inspire me today.

Teach me to walk through my day 

with pride in my own being,

with confidence, with power.

(prayer segment by Kira R)

Check the Sigrdrifumal of the Poetic Edda. https://en-academic.com/dic.nsf/enwiki/2093070

Storm Valkyrie 🌹

Monday 25 April 2022

A prayer to Mother Earth


"I express my love and care for You.

Forgive me for causing pain to You.

Let me protect and

nurture You once again.

Let me heal Your wounds with my love.

Love, Love and only Love for You."

Maitreya Dadashreeji

Tuesday 19 April 2022

Taming wild horses

When things are out of control and going berserk, there is a sense all round of hopelessness. One has to stay calm in dangerous times. Think of them all as wild horses. A couple of weeks ago, there were speeding horses nearby that sounded like thunder. When horses become very angry and violent, they have to be controlled. 

There is the Pferdesegen, an old shamanic verse, song and a horse blessing. It goes (in English translation here):

Crawl out, 

Worm, with nine other worms, 

From marrow into vein, 

From vein into flesh, 

From flesh into skin, 

From skin into hoof. 

Crawl out, 

Worm, with nine other wormies, 

From marrow into bone, 

From bone into flesh, 

From flesh into Skin, 

From skin onto this arrow head.

So you can be shot far away


Storm Valkyrie

Wednesday 13 April 2022

Eostre and Spring

 Spring is a time of regrowth and fresh new beginnings. Plants and flowers appearing now on the trees and ground. Also insects have woken up to gather around the luscious flowers in the garden. As much as you or I feel happy at the return of spring, and leaving behind another winter, it is also a time of preparing for celebrations and feasts. The season of Easter with eggs and rabbits comes from an ancient pagan ritual that happened during the spring. There is a debate going on in modern times among academics that question if the goddess Eostre was a true goddess or a fabrication by Bede. I say "how dare they remove a goddess like that!" This is rather a case of dismantling of mythology, culture and magic by merely suggesting Eostre was made up by someone a few centuries ago. There isn't any evidence that Eostre was created out of thin air as much as there isn't any evidence that Easter was never a celebration. 

It's widely accepted that Eostre (and also Ostara), derive from the name Austro, a Proto-Germanic meaning for the dawn. It may also mean "twilight" as it's related to Slavic words. It's been found that there are many prehistoric deities being uncovered, and this includes some dawn goddesses like Hausos, Ayg, Arshaluys, Dellingr and Ausrine. Those goddesses are linked with the morning star. The most famous European goddess related to these is Eos of Greek mythology and Aurora of Roman mythology. To me it shows here the pattern of dawn goddesses with names that are similar to Eostre. 

Goddess Eos is a dawn goddess as well as a springtime goddess. The younger sister of Helios the sun god and Selene the moon goddess. Eos was sexually attracted to mortal men and she liked to seduce them and woo them back to her magical place, although she gave them immortality but not eternal youth. Despite this knowledge, Eos didn't have a cult following. Many assert that Eos is connected to Aphrodite and may actually be the same goddess, or a different aspect of the same goddess. They have also felt Eostre is the same as goddess Freyja in a similar way. Whatever the truth is, we know that spring is here, and the seasons are a cycle. We celebrate Easter, whatever religious path we have. Some choose not to celebrate it, but there they might indulge in the confectionaries such as chocolate eggs and sugar bunnies! Here is to Eostre the goddess of spring:

Storm Valkyrie

Thursday 24 March 2022

Needing peace

This is a time of discord. Unsettling now that a dragon will wake up if nothing is done to stop it going out of control. A simple prayer and healing words...

Blessed Mother Earth, goddess Erde, 

your children of the natural world deserves love,

Show us your power and wisdom

reveal the love inside all

Let us see peace.

Storm Valkyrie 🌹

Friday 18 March 2022


Water spirits named collectively as the Nixie, and individually as Nix. The merfolk dwell in all bodies of water, the open sea and ocean's deep, wetlands and water gardens. The nixie can be found in natural pools, fish ponds, springs, fountains and lakes. Hidden among the bullrushes, milkweeds, sedges, reeds, cattails and lilies and adorn with flowers of the marsh marigolds and yellow iris. They're hiding under the bubbling waters of streams, fast moving rivers, rivulets, puddles and waterfalls. Nixie are even inside murky waters of swamps, in the peat bogs and marshes where treasures and gruesome things are buried. In waters clear, salty and brackish, muddy and dirty, all manner of wetlands have an abundance of spirits attached with them. 

Some of the well known nixie are the water nymphs (or Naiads) from Greek mythology. These are beautiful female water spirits although there are male versions too, such as the fathers of the nymphs. The Undine are elemental female water spirits with enchanting voices. They desire to become mortal women, to progress their souls further to the next level. Experiencing love and marriage can enhance them in the next life to immortality. 

The Gwragedd Annwn are beautiful female water fairies who are also called Lake Maidens and Wives of the Lower World. They live in rivers and lakes and fall in love with mortal men. St Patrick visited Wales and was then insulted by people, so he transformed them into fish but the women turned into fairies. It seemed this was one such origin story of the Gwragedd Annwn, who might be responsible for the magical breed of cattle named Welsh Black, and the phenomena of sun only shining once a year on dark lakes including Llyn Barfog. The Lady of the Lake from Arthurian legend might even be one of the mystical Gwragedd Annwn. 

Less than friendly are the malicious water spirits. Jenny Greenteeth is a vicious nix that pulls people into the water if they get too close to the river's edge, and drowns them. Peg Powler is a water hag with a hunger for human flesh, preying on children playing near the river. Shellycoat is a water bogeyman who laughs at those unfortunate victims who are drowning. Grindylow is a small water demon that frightens children and threatens to drown them. Its name is linked to Grendel of the Beowulf legend. Kelpie is an extremely dangerous aquatic black horse that shapeshifts into human form. The Rusalki are unfriendly female water spirits. There are many thousands of Nixie, good and bad.  

Storm Valkyrie          

Monday 7 March 2022

A late winter visit

 It's been a year since I last posted. A few weeks ago I took some photos of my trip to the local nature reserve and it was a damp, cold and misty day. I encountered some nice people, I saw beautiful sights and the water was stunning. I came across a magical looking tree.

The water was clear and still but the next moment it rippled. I saw ducks further away on the other side of the lake, and soon I managed to stay a bit longer to see a swan fly down and then swim gracefully along the lake. 

It was a beautiful moment. The swan came up to me and unfortunately I had no food to offer the lovely swan. I know that the swan is a frequent visitor to the lake. I make it a priority to venture out in nature sometimes and prepared with a camera and also my inhaler. It's important to look after the environment and protect wildlife. 

Storm Valkyrie