

Saturday 3 December 2022

Holly King and Oak King

The legend of the Holly King and the Oak King is an ancient story. It's from mostly Celtic mythology and is a favourite tale of a seasonal battle. The Holly King represents Winter, and is often associated with Yule and darkness, The Oak King represents Summer and is often associated with Midsummer solstice and sunlight. They are both different and yet they're rivals, because they're both in love with the Earth Goddess. Their fight is a cycle, and when one side wins, the other will vanish. When the Holly King wins, the Oak King has gone into the shadows. Later they duel again and when the Oak King wins, the Holly King fades. 

Some identity the two kings as being one god, who has two different opposing sides, Summer and Winter. This is like a single deity with two personalities and characteristics. The times that they rule happen during the periods of important events, when the Earth is a certain distance away from the sun, planetary alignment and astronomical, but the ancients knew all this. During Winter, the Holly King rules until Spring, when his brother the Oak King takes his crown and brings Summer. Then it happens all over again. This is one magical story to explain the seasons. 

While we're under the Holly King's time of rule, Winter is the most dreaded time, but it can be the most exciting because of Yule. Many aspects of the Holly King and Oak King have appeared in literature and share similar traits with other deities. The Holly King wears a crown of holly leaves and berries. He's like Santa Claus (Father Christmas), Father Frost and the god Odin. In fiction he's like the Ghost of Christmas Present. There are the birds associated with them too, the wren and the robin. Oak King has got the robin, a bird associated with Winter but is with the king of summer. The Holly King has captured the wren, a bird associated with summer and stays with the king of Winter. 

Storm Valkyrie    

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