

Wednesday 14 September 2022

Autumns dark side


Autumn is a beautiful season but it's got a grim side. While it's a season to be enjoyed, with gorgeous colours of leaves, walking through piles of crunchy leaves, conkers, apples, the smells of bonfires and pumpkins, the many warm celebrations of harvest, Halloween, Mabon, Oktoberfest, Thanksgiving and much more, there are down sides to Autumn too. This includes the chilly weather, going back to school, big spiders, hauntings and most of all, nasty virus bugs that bring cold viruses and flus. 

People tend to overlook the seriousness of colds and flus but these illnesses can be horrible for those suffering, as it depends on the type of flu and the health of the person with it. Some can shake off colds quickly but not everyone. Colds can be a hard time and can render someone ill enough to feel at deaths door. Those with a fragile immunity can actually die from a common cold. There are some ways of boosting a low immunity and the main ingredient is zinc. 

Zinc can be found in food, but more is located in herbs like basil, Asiatic pennywort, asparagus, poppy seed, chervil, thyme, celery seeds, mustard seeds, dill seeds and false daisy. Zinc is also found in red meat, shellfish, legumes, nuts, eggs, dairy, whole grains, mushrooms, corn, broccoli, brown rice and garlic. 

Free your home of stray spiders using natural repellents like lavenders, lemons, conker shells, tea tree, eucalyptus, cinnamon, cedar, citronella, peppermint and vinegar. Cats are a fantastic way to rid of mice and spiders, but they're also able to get rid of annoying ghosts too. Garlic keeps away spiders as well as vampires, ghosts and insects. Clean your indoors, eat plenty of zinc based food and enjoy the season of Autumn.

Storm Valkyrie 

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