

Thursday 8 September 2022

Thunder stuff


A lot of thunderstorms have been going on here. Here are some interesting facts about such weather, and I felt like posting about it today.

The sound of thunder is so loud that it can be heard about 15 miles away. Lightning is so powerful and bright that it's visible as far as up to 100 miles away.

It's estimated that thunderstorms are far more dangerous than hurricanes and tornadoes. It kills about 2,000 people each year.

Thunder and lightning can happen during a snowfall, called "Thunder snow."

Thunder and also lightning that appears during a volcanic eruption is called "Dirty Thunder."

The ancient Greeks including philosopher, Aristotle, believed thunder was caused by thick clouds banging together.

Lightning is able to strike 25 miles from the origin of the thunder cloud.

Lightning bolts have 100 million volts of electricity.

Storm Valkyrie

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