

Tuesday 9 April 2024

The solar eclipse


Yesterday was the solar eclipse, as viewed in the northern hemisphere. Today we understand why it happens, but before it was an event that frightened people. In many religions, the solar eclipse was regarded as a bad omen. It was considered to be a horrific time of the sun itself being devoured by wolves and dragons. It made people in ancient times believe the gods were angry with humans and an eclipse of the sun meant darkness and famine. 

Now people regard the solar eclipse with fascination and excitement. A lot of modern Pagans view the solar eclipse as a time of spiritual growth, cleansing, deeper understandings about the astronomical event and it's significance to the Earth, rebirth and communication. When the sun aligns with the moon, it appears as though the sun has turned dark. This remarkable event is both powerful and spiritual. Groups hold sun eclipse celebrations, blots, parties and sacred rites. It's a time when Pagans practice healing and magic. 

Storm Valkyrie 

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