

Wednesday 17 April 2024

St George's Day


While living in the age of technology and space exploration using advanced rockets, we are also still fascinated by the mythical age of legends. Soon it is England's St. George's day and this also happens on the 23rd April, which is to be during a full moon this year. Other significant events on the 23rd April was the construction of the temple of goddess Venus on the Capitoline Hill, the defeat of Vikings at the Battle of Clontarf, the St. George's Night Uprising in Estonia, creation of the Order of the Garter, King Charles II of England, Scotland and Ireland is crowned, and not to mention the anniversary of St George's death, also the deaths of Joan of Arc and playwrite William Shakespeare. The celebration of St. George also occurs in other countries including Bulgaria, Ethiopia, Georgia, Greece, Portugal, Lebanon, Syria, Romania, Catalonia, Aragon, Rio de Janeiro and Alcoy. 

St. George's Day in Hungary is believed to happen during witch's sabbaths, so terrified people did what they could to protect themselves and their homes from sinister magical forces. This includes burning incense, gathering sticks and twigs from willow trees and birch trees to place around windows. They even protected their stables and livestock this way. In Germany there is the "George's Ride" tradition on 23rd April around churches. In Bavaria and Buttenheim, there's parades of people dressed up on brightly coloured horses and decorated wagons.   

According to spookier themed April 23rd is a time when it's not safe to go out at night on the eve of that St. George's Day. This is because vampires are believed to manifest their powers, and also witches and other supernatural creatures are mostly active. This was found in Bram Stoker's "Dracula" where evil happens on the night. April 23rd also happens to be World Book Day. 

As for St. George himself, he is always imagined as being a knight in shining armour, who people believe might've been English who really killed a fire breathing dragon to rescue a maiden. He was actually a Roman soldier, who was executed for being a Christian and not taking part in Pagan rituals. The man was turned into a martyr and later became canonized to sainthood, while the dragon represents the forces of evil, such as the devil, and/or the might of a pre-Christian pagan Rome. The dragon symbol was used by Roman legions on standards in the first century. Today the image of George and the dragon is also knotted and tied with ancient dragon stories of dragon slayers.

After all this lesson, enjoy the holiday and have fun.   

Storm Valkyrie 💚🐉

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