

Wednesday 30 August 2023

Snow White remake

 This has been on my feeds and it's about the new upcoming live action remake of the animated "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs". The remake is going to be released next year and soon there will be an official teaser. Snow White was Disney's first princess, and my favourite story as a kid. However, I'm not feeling good about this new film because of what's been said about it. This new 2024 Snow White is going to be changed so much that it will resemble nothing of the original film, let alone the traditional story that many children have loved for generations.

One of the drastic changes is Snow White herself. She's not going to be the same in the new film, as her character will be aggressive and power driven. While some may like the idea of a tougher Snow White, she won't be Snow White. There's other ways that Snow White could become a stronger character, as opposed to a gentle damsel in distress, but she should always have a heart of gold, full of love, warmth and innocence. As from the source, based on the story by the Brothers Grimm, she's a daughter born from magic.

Next is Snow White is going to reject love, and the prince won't even be in the remake at all. The prince won't be waking her up from a deep state of death. Also the prince isn't a character anymore with this film, but he's been replaced by an ordinary man called Jonathon, who might be simply cut entirely from the film. There isn't going to be romance or happy ever after. The reason that Disney is doing this is vague but they've been ignoring romantic elements from other remade films. It's as if the concept of romantic love is being eroded in Hollywood, in favour of something sterile. So sorry but I can't imagine Snow White without her prince.

There won't be a poisonous apple. While apples will be used, it isn't going to be the same. It's believed that it's not even going to happen. This is exactly what should happen, since the story is not Snow White otherwise. And most of all, there isn't going to be any seven dwarfs, who are friends and protectors of Snow White, who helped her since she escaped to their house after fleeing the evil queen. Snow White without the seven dwarfs is unthinkable and even a bad idea. A little bird told me that there's going to be a gruesome death scene in this remake. It feels that the story has been botched far too much. The original 1930's film was a delicious pie that has been dissected for the 2024 remake and then filled with foam stuffing.

What I hope would be in this Snow White 2024 remake is: A magical fairy tale of a film, following Snow White (played by Rachel Zegler) who finds herself fleeing from the evil queen (played by Gal Gadot) after the huntsman let her go, only to end up in a scary forest, and eventually discovers the home of seven dwarfs (Happy, Sleepy, Bashful, Dopey, Grumpy, Doc and Sneezy), who lives there and hunts food if need be, trains in combat if she needs to, for self defence, but still is trusting and kind, who loves all the forest animals and they love her. Then the queen disguises herself and gives Snow White an apple full of poison, which she eats, becomes dead, and laid to rest in a glass coffin. Then her true love the prince arrives to wake her with either a kiss, or by knocking over the coffin by accident (as happened in an old story version), but Snow White and the prince do fall in love. This is the version that many including myself needs in this stressful, worrying world. 

Storm Valkyrie     

Wednesday 16 August 2023

Toothache remedies and bygone strangeness

 Besides modern medicine, old traditional remedies for toothache really works. These include the following herbs and they must be take carefully, and not to be overdone. They have to be take individually and not all at once.

Ginger root, cloves, peppermint leaves, thyme, yarrow, garlic, chamomile, onions, turmeric and cabbages. Other natural remedies include a saltwater rinse of the mouth, a small amount of vanilla extract. Now for the next part, about WHAT NOT to do with a toothache.


In times past, there were some strange methods of easing a toothache. This includes smearing honey over teeth, which has a gruesome meaning in the way people believed what toothaches were. In the Middle Ages, people really thought toothaches were caused by tiny burrowing worms, so the reason honey was put on teeth was to draw them out! Bruxism or grinding teeth was once thought to be caused by ghosts or demonic possession so a human skull would be put nearby the patient as they slept. Ancient Romans used bodily fluids as a mouthwash. Also this was so common to get rid of teeth pains that there was a tax imposed on bottles of urine! Could this explain why the Romans had perfect teeth? More grotesque ways of caring for teeth in ancient times was crushed mice and also ground hooves, eggshells, ashes and seashells.  

Storm Valkyrie