

Thursday 26 September 2024

Gentle crystals


There are many stones and crystals that help settle the mind, calm the mood and relax emotions. These are Amethyst, Tourmaline, Citrine, Quartz, Selenite, Amazonite, Moonstone and Lapis Lazuli. They can be worn as a jewel gem, carried in your pocket, placed under your pillow so that you can sleep on it, and put around the rooms. Each crystal has it's own way of creating harmony and gentleness. 

Tourmaline is also named the "peace stone" as it takes away all negative feelings and heavy dark emotions. It can cure the mind, body and soul of anger, misery, jealousy, envy, spite and malice. It cleanses the entire individual and sweeps those bad moods. It enhances feelings of complete calm.

Amethyst, a gentle purple coloured stone with magical qualities, mostly healing and calming and also cleansing. This lovely fruit looking Amethyst creates positive feelings, just by looking at it's pretty features. The shade of violet helps to calm nervousness, and make happy feelings take over.

Quartz, like a healer can focus it's energy on the mind, and leave one feeling so relaxed. It's a bringer of high levels of energy, attracting the power of the stars and rainbows, waking up nearby rocks and helping to stir their dormant energies. A mood making wish charm and a clear source of spiritual help. 

Citrine is called "stone of the mind" as it dwells on a person's feelings, thoughts, dreams, moods and subconsciousness. It can restore and generate light peace within. Able to settle an angry mind full of irrational thoughts, helping to focus the mind on positive and gentle traits and goals. 

Amazonite is the rock that brings about harmony, peace, clarity and much more. It draws attention to positive energy and heals the individual. It can make someone be more sharp of mind, getting rid of any dull mind fog by helping to understand things clearly. It's helpful about the body and used as vibration healing.

Selenite is a stone that is named after the Greek moon goddess Selene. Also this lunar crystal assists for feeling more peaceful and calm. This stone can turn emotions to becoming settled, soothed and restful. It's pale energy helps with remembering dreams and concentrate on meditation. It can also be used to help someone with visualisation, homework and memory. 

Lapis Lazuli is often used for lots of activities from better judgement, focusing on details and learning quickly. People use this stone to help improve their social selves, to better communication skills in forming friendships and boosting confidence. It may help to stimulate a clear path of intelligence of the mind, with inner strength and confidence with calm and peace of mind.

Moonstone is known as to be the gem of tranquility. A stone to settle differences and make peace with others, to mend broken tense situations and calm unsettled moods. It helps with love also, and may bring fresh qualities of self that are peaceful and very settled. Lovers favour this stone as it enhances feelings, while channelling calm structured inner feelings with healthy properties for mind, body and spirit. 

Storm Valkyrie     

Saturday 21 September 2024


Hyena people are often described as sly tricksters who are not trustworthy. These are often scavengers and they can work in groups, laughing at someone less fortunate. They laugh at those in pain. It is because sometimes they cause the suffering of other people. Hyena type people are regarded as foe and not ideal to be around. In traditional folklore hyena animals are considered dangerous in a magical way as they're believed to be shapeshifters and witches. Hyena animals are capable of taking down full grown adult lions. 

Hyenas are feliform animals, carnivorous and scavenger more than hunter. In the wild they can live up to 25 human years. They're fast runners and can run at a speed of up to 65km/h. Their natural home is grasslands and deserts in wild terrain in Africa. They're found in savannah and the regions are also filled with other hidden dangers like snakes. There are many species of hyena, but the largest and most common is the spotted hyena. 

They often hunt in packs. They can also kill with their powerful jaws and razor sharp teeth, crunching through bone. Hyenas can kill many beasts ranging from Cape buffalo, zebra, wildebeest, young rhino, jackals, foxes, hare, porcupines, snake, lizards, birds and insects. Their prey varies from large to small. They can also kill large dogs, such as rottweilers. Now while hyenas can pack upon a lion and overthrow it, lions regard hyenas as their prey. 

Getting back to what I mentioned earlier on this entry, humans that are like hyenas share only negative traits and they can be harmful. One powerful giant dominant hyena may have the advantage to kill a few lions, especially if they're alone, elderly and frail. But a pride of lions and a single adult lion can easily kill a lone hyena.

Storm Valkyrie     

Tuesday 17 September 2024



There is a festering problem that keeps biting and gnawing like rats. It won't leave alone. This problem has rabies and is infected, diseased and dangerous. Some people say it is like cancer. Others think it's mould and a toxic fungus. Pollution, decay and all that is wrong because of the state that allowed itself to be that way. Imagine it as a form of doll and something you throw out, but it ends up back into your home, propped up on the sofa. You throw it out again but it always comes back. So it's like the issue some people have with demonic dolls, or with stalkers and with a recurring disease. It's evil, a parasite and absolutely hates you. 

The best way to get rid, is to cut it out surgically, or remove it completely. But what if it's a possessed doll? Locking it up in a cage might do the trick. Burning it won't really help. It needs an exorcism. 

Think of Alien in science fiction films. Think of the White Walkers in "Game of Thrones." Think of the Wicked Witch in "Wizard of Oz". Think of all the parasitic villains that bring death. This is the problem and it's there, so we can only hope now that it's removed and goes away.

Storm Valkyrie

Tuesday 10 September 2024



This is a very different post to what I normally say here. I wanted to describe the concept of cleansing and sweeping away negativity, rubbish, dust, decay, rubbish, anything tainted, bad and full of germs.

It's often accepted among spiritual and folk beliefs that unhygienic places full of dirt, grime and murky dish water attracts evil spirits. The dirtier and rotten the place is, the more haunted it becomes. Some believe that this is why old damp mouldy buildings are very haunted with entities that are scary. Graveyards, while many modern sites are kept clear and beautiful, others have gone wild, shrunken and forgotten about. 

Besides the ghosts, people who leave around dirty places attract negativity. It's always important to wash it, clean, groom and wipe away the bad. This is why many go through a phase of spring cleaning. It is to declutter and make space for peace of mind. There are many cleansing rituals among Pagans and witches. 

For house cleaning, not just removing actual stuff away but also keeping a clear energy for all of the rooms. Cleaning the house is one thing but don't forget to clean the energy too. Some like to use incense and use herbs, scented cones and candles, joss sticks, perfumes, potpourri and essential oils. Others prefer to use just water. There are other methods to use crystals and stones.

Links and info:    

House cleansing ritual at Patheos page.

For more help on house cleansing visit Witch Casket blog page

Storm Valkyrie  

Wednesday 4 September 2024

Aster, September flower

September is often associated with asters and morning glory flowers, because these are the birth flowers of those born in September. I will mainly focus on aster here, as it's much more widespread across Europe and steeped in long folklore traditions going back to the Middle Ages and long before. 

Aster is brightly coloured, often purple or pink, sometimes yellow, blue, red and white. All of them have shiny yellow centres and they attract wildlife including butterflies and honey bees. They belong to the daisy family of Asteraceae. Its name comes from ancient Greek to mean "star". These flowers do look like shiny stars with multi petals, and can resemble little heavenly sparkles on the grass. There are many types of asters, hundreds in fact, and the species includes the alpine aster, beach-sand aster, sea aster, mountain aster, wild aster and so much more. 

In ancient Greece, it was believed that the burnt leaves of aster flowers warded off evil spirits, and kept away snakes from entering the home. The goddess Astraea, known also as the "starry maid", shed tears that became aster flowers. She also represented purity, innocence and justice, winged and shining. For this reason maybe that the aster flower symbolises purity, love, innocence and fairness. In Norse mythology, asters are associated with the god Frey and goddess Freyja. These are the Vanir deities, who are gods of fertility, foresight, wisdom and magic.

Aster flowers have been used in medicine for a long time to treat epilepsy and asthma. Some types of aster are edible and has been used in salads and tea. 

Storm Valkyrie