

Monday, 4 July 2016

Healing and protective herbs

From the healing remedies of Mother Earth, the flowers give you herbs in plenty. Here, locate the top plants you need to grow and make medicines, food, magical ingredants and to ward off bad spirits as well as pesky animals.
A "witch garden" or herbal garden needs sunlight and outdoors. Ideally create a small bed for the seeds, fresh soil, water regularly and patience.
Fruit trees are a must for growing in the garden, as they have the same qualities and grow every year if looked after.
There are plenty of DIY herb growing kits available to purchase. Take into consideration that not all herbs are evergreen as some are seasonal. The seasonal (perennials) have to be planted or sown at certain different times of the year. The perennial herbs are mint, sage, rosemary, horse radish, sage, sorrel, meadow sweet, chives and loveage. Evergreen herbs are rocket, lemon grass, chamomile, parsley, basil, coriander, bay and lavender.
Powerful herb weapons to use against sinister and evil spirits are angelica, basil, beans, carob, clover, coriander, daffodil, fennel, garlic, holly, mandrake, mugwort, onion, rowan, sage and vinegar. Also anything sharp like nettles and holly are protective plants against spirits. Growing herbs can also help to stop evil spirits entering the property.
You don't have to grow your own herbs, you can purchase them fully grown. Some decourated herbs around the house.


Herbs and evil spirits

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