

Saturday 26 January 2019

Dreams of flying and other symbols

Here are some of my own dream interpretations of a few dream symbols. Much of my understanding of the subject is both through reading, research and personal dreams that I've written down.

Hair - It means time. The hair being cut in dreams is nothing until hair suddenly grows long so quickly. It often indicates time itself as hair growth from short to long is about two years.
Teeth - Also it means loss of time, or missing time. It means missing things, lost hours for work and no pay time. It also means money, loss of teeth means loss of money or things.
Blood - Dreams about blood depends on how, what, ect. Most of all the colour red. Blood is often bright red so a vibrant colour will point to a colour dream.
Falling - Loss of control, sense of helplessness, losing the plot.
Flying - Feeling free and wanting to escape hard work, life and problems.
Pregnancy/birth - New things coming your way.
Monsters - Your inner fears, phobias and irrational sense of dread. Maybe you dream of monsters because you can’t focus on what’s happening.
Ghosts/dead people (who you know have gone) - Memory dreams, reminders of those people and past issues you’re thinking of and sort out.
Someone trying to kill you - If it’s someone you know, then ask yourself the following questions: Does that person done something that annoyed you, have you ever felt hurt by them, do they do things that remind you of something. If the person isn’t anyone you know, the dream is letting you know that you’ve got to be cautious about what you’re doing. It doesn’t mean someone will kill you, but that you have to be careful and avoid situations that are trouble.
Pulling string and worms out of your eyes -
What stands out is the worms and string being pulled out of your eyes in the dream. What makes worms and string connected is that they’re of a similar shape, and can be pulled in waking real life. String is found inside the stitching of clothes and if pulled, the fabric will come apart. The same with worms, who are living underground and they’re “pulled out” by birds and other creatures that want to eat them. Pulling them out of your eyes indicate that your eyes are more than just mirrors to the soul. Your eyes are closed and keeps in things that you pull out in your dream. In a way you’re treating your eyes like dirt. That isn’t to say you’re doing this at all in life, but it’s symbolic.String symbolises joining and binding, laces, ties, connections, network, and worms symbolise creepy crawly things and uncovered things, sneaky wormy people and buried negativity. Pulling that out of your eyes means you’re probably very critical, not careful, seeing the worst, and acting on your emotions a lot will be your undoing. Dream is basically telling you to think careful and not judge by what you’re looking at.


(The above are  from some of my posts on Quora)

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