

Monday 2 September 2019

My past life regression

Last week I experienced a form of past life regression while under hypnosis. The purpose was to find out why I've always had social anxiety issues since childhood. The hypnotherapist technique video sent me under a deep calm relaxed state. I listened to her explaining that I may find myself at some point in my past or even in my childhood. I found myself becoming paralysed within and seeing visions or having flashback memories. While listening to her instructions, I was trying to focus on the question of what I was doing this for, and then I was no longer aware of sitting in the chair. I found myself as a child, with bare feet and wearing a long white dress. I had short blonde hair. In my own personal childhood, I never wore my hair short.
I was told to look around and explore. I was in a house with pale walls. There was a window with fruit trees just outside. It was familiar and I knew it was my home. The feeling I had at that very moment was fear. I was terrified of going outside and looking around as I was told to do by the therapist, I simply didn't want to leave the house. I was crying for my mother, who had gone out to the market that day and never returned. The ground had been shaking. This was the point that the hypnotherapist wanted me to understand more. While telling me to go outside, I didn't want to go outside. I was asked to remember the point of death, and I refused to do that so in panic and I cried "No!" When asked what was happening, why I didn't go outside, I just repeated in a childlike voice "ves voos!" "ves voos!"
Later I had experienced past life regression again to find more details. It was clear that I had been a Roman girl of seven years old, who was one of many victims of the volcano Mount Vesuvius that erupted in 79 AD.
From that regression, I still can't link why my past life memory surfaced when under hypnosis to deal with everyday issues, other than become aware of this. My past life self blocked the moment of her death. It feels amazing to have experienced this past life regression but also it saddens me to know what became of her and the many thousands of victims who died on that fateful day.


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