

Tuesday 5 January 2021

The enigma of the Ulfberht swords


Before I continue, I want to bless all a happy New Year. 

There is a mysterious sword that exists and has baffled archaeologists for a long time. It's a type of Viking sword with "Ulfberht" carved on the blade. There are about 170 of these swords, dating far back in ancient history. It's guessed that they were forged between 800 AE to 1000 AE. Some Vikings, but maybe not everyone of them, just a select few, were given these incredible swords. 

So what makes the swords different to other swords at the time, is what they appear to be made of. These swords are made of crucible steel. 

It's said by research that the creation of each Ulfberht swords needed to heat iron at extremely high temperatures, such as 3000 degrees fahrenheit. But back then there wasn't the technology to get temperatures this high! Blacksmiths generally used hammers to get the metal blades perfect although the Ulfberht swords were at such high temps that the heat burned impurities out. What also is found in the Ulfberht swords is full of carbon, far more than any other sword from those times.

Is this one of those mysterious artefacts with completely lost technology? Yes. Nobody has the answers as to how furnaces back in the era of the Vikings were so hot to make these particular swords. Could this also have been a lost art? Yes it is. Unfortunately there are many forgotten skills and missing details. Is this a true to life Valyrian steel? Kind of, but the real life Valyrian metal is Damascus steel. 

I hope that this has been quite an interesting and different post to begin 2021.

Storm Valkyrie  


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