

Friday 21 April 2023


 Daisies have always been a symbol of innocence and the early Spring. These are considered gentle, childlike, sweet and often pure. As delicate as lambs. Dainty as small butterflies, fauns, rabbits and ladybirds. Daisies are a favourite for kids to play in meadows, making daisy chains and daisy crowns. Many brides and virgin maidens of bygone era used to wear them, as there are plenty of daisies. These may be charming little wild flowers but they're certainly not fragile as ice crystals. These flowers are super tough and they can grow in cold temperatures, and if they're cut, many more grow back again quickly. Daisies are a tasty treat for making teas and salads. The original name for daisy is "day eye" as it closes at night and falls to sleep. Only to wake up first thing in the morning.

These daisies are the blossoms of the grass. Associated with love and romance, the planet Venus, goddess Freyja and fairy folk. The Celtic belief in daisies being spirits of babies who were stillborn. In Medieval times, daisies were called Mary's Rose in England. It's known as a bruisewort and woundwort. Daisies were used in herbal medicines to cure coughs, disorders of liver and kidneys, astringent, pain and bleeding. Daisies have also been used to help ease pain of childbirth. It comes from the Asteraceae family and it's scientific genus name is Bellis perennis,

Storm Valkyrie

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