

Thursday 11 May 2023

Moons of Uranus

Planet Uranus has a number of moons and some of them could have life and water. These moons, named Ariel, Umbriel, Oberon and Titania are the moons that are believed to contain water, and even hold oceans and fresh cool streams, and maybe feel warm enough to create life forms. So what does this mean? 

Various findings and discoveries have explored these ideas after different space missions sent satellites and probes. Out of the Uranus planet's 27 orbiting moons, these particular four moons that I have already mentioned have water. It's said that these oceans might be dozens of miles deep under icy crusts. These lunar seas are likely underground. It's believed that aliens could be living there, and if so they might be animals thriving in and around the waters of these moons. Besides water there are superb cliffs and mountains, even crystals in the shape of palaces. If that isn't enough, the skies over the moons would be colourful as rainbows. Among the stars would be the large pale blue planet of Uranus, a giant ice world, visible all of the time from the surface of the moons.    

Let me explain more about the four surprising moons first. Titania is the biggest moon of Uranus, and named after queen of the fairies in William Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream." As the same for Oberon, also a character from the same play and is second biggest moon. Ariel is one of the smallest moons and round shaped, who is named after a spirit in "The Rape of the Lock" poem by Alexander Pope and "The Tempest" by William Shakespeare. Umbriel is also named after a character in the same poem by Pope. The planet Uranus is named from Greek mythology, a primordial deity who was husband of Gaia and their offspring were the earliest Titans. He was later castrated by his own son Cronus. His severed genitalia was thrown into the sea and that foam created beautiful goddess Aphrodite. 

Is it possible that humans could visit one of these moons for a cosmic spa trip? Well my answer has to be, only in your dreams.

Storm Valkyrie

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