

Monday 23 October 2023

Magical windswept path

October is filled with powerful energies and magic, bubbling and sparkling as the rain falls. A recent storm arrived as the veil was lifted and that was no coincidence. This then resulted in an abundance of leaves and twigs at my doorstep. 

Big wild mushrooms sprouted overnight. A couple of fallen trees close by then blocked a lane, preventing cars using it. However it allowed plenty of time for birds and other animals to gather as much as they could for their nests. A stream broke its banks, causing a flood that turned into a new lake where families of ducks and swans all enjoy a cool Autumn swim. Various roots of trees dipped in the water!

The rough winds brought over extra seeds for the soil that went dry in the Summer, carrying seeds over to the farmlands and lawns, helping to plant new shrubs and develop into new saplings. Be thankful of the rain and wind as it gives us water and fresh air. Animals can find new homes where older trees fell from past storms.

Just like any Autumn and October, strong gusts of wind bring rain and always misery, but once again, it can also help the environment, cleaning it, sowing upon the ground, sweeping away dead leaves and dried shrubs that burned in Summer heatwaves, to wash them away up river and down into drains and tunnels. Spirits of majestic trees accept the storms that come seasonally. For their own fertile seeds will be sprayed across the soil far and wide. 


(All photos used on this post belong to ©Storm Valkyrie).

Storm Valkyrie 🌱🍃

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